Estate Planning

Estate planning is the process by which people can protect their assets and their loved ones. Through planning, clients can ensure that their estate is gifted to the people or organizations they desire, and that minors or others who have special needs or unique circumstances are taken care of. Clients can designate the agent(s) who would assist them if their ability to manage their affairs diminishes in the future, and who would carry out the clients’ wishes after they pass away. Proper planning is also essential to minimize post-death taxes, and to simplify the process by which estates are distributed.

In her estate planning practice, Emily Styskal focuses on drafting Revocable Living Trusts, Trusts for Minors, Last Wills, Financial Powers of Attorney, Healthcare Powers of Attorney and Living Wills. Where necessary to protect a client’s estate plan, Emily also drafts and reviews Prenuptial Agreements. Emily is invested in helping clients plan for and protect their loved ones both before and after death, and takes pride in the long-term relationships she builds with her clients. Her goal is to ensure that her clients have a plan in place, and that they genuinely understand the plan and gain peace of mind through their work with her. Emily also understands that estate planning is not one-dimensional, and enlists the participation of all of her clients' advisors. This team approach ensures that clients are protected on an ongoing basis.